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How to Care for Your Leather iPhone Case - BlackBrook Case

How to Care for Your Leather iPhone Case

Leather iPhone cases are both high-quality and stylish. Yet keeping them in good condition can prove to be challenging if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Follow these steps and your iPhone leather case will look as good on day 50 as it did on day one!

Pre-Condition It

The first step in caring for a leather case for iPhone is pre-conditioning it. The best way to do that is by rubbing a little bit of vegetable oil (or other appropriate conditioners) onto your new leather case.

The oil will soften up and moisten the leather, making it more pliable and easier to break in.

Keep It Clean

The easiest way to avoid any damage is by keeping your leather case clean. Use warm water and mild soap then wipe it down using a soft cloth. Be careful not to get too aggressive, as leather can be vulnerable.

Moisturize It

You can care for your case by treating it with some moisturizer now and then on your best leather case. You can do this by making a homemade leather conditioner.

You can create this using two ingredients: vegetable oil and liquid soap. First, mix one cup of vegetable oil with one tablespoon of liquid soap in a bottle. Then shake well until it becomes thoroughly mixed.

Treat Any Scratches

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to fix scratches on leather cases - it’s one of its best features. All you need is a soft cloth and either a car or shoe polish. Take your time, as you don’t want to rub too hard or too much.

Don’t Leave Your Leather iPhone Case in the Sun

Keep your leather iPhone case out of direct sunlight. UV rays can damage leather over time, especially when you consider how often you take your phone out on a sunny day and put it back in your pocket.

By keeping it covered most of the time, you’ll ensure that it keeps its elegant looks and lasts as long as possible. Also, don't leave your case on your dashboard or in any place where there will be direct sunlight.

Do Not Use Any Lotions or Perfumes While Using Your Case

Many products leave a residue on your iPhone case. This will in turn break down its protective qualities.

The easiest way to avoid these residues is by not using any perfumes or lotions while you have your phone in its case. If you must use these products, be sure to wipe them off before placing your phone back into its case.

The Benefits of Having a Leather Case for Your iPhone

There are many great reasons why you might consider purchasing a leather iPhone case. Not only do they make your phone look fantastic, but they also add extra durability and protection.

If you own an iPhone and are looking to buy a new case, browse through our selection of leather cases to find one that fits your needs perfectly.

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