3 Tips for Buying a Leather iPhone Case
Are you looking into buying a leather iPhone case? You can read about a few simple tips for finding your best options here.
Burkley Holiday Gift Guide 2018!
Welcome to the Burkley Holiday Gift Guide - 2018!Everyone knows this time of year can be one of the more stressful moments as the holidays approach, but not every decision...
Mini-Review: Burkley Full Leather Snap-On Back Cover Case For iPhone XR
MINI-REVIEW: BURKLEY SNAP-ON LEATHER CASE FOR IPHONE XR I got an iPhone XR in blue on launch day, and in the weeks leading up to that I’d been on the...
A Look Inside Our Workshop!
Here at Burkley Case, we are committed to creating the finest, and most detailed hand-made leather products. This is why we wanted to give everyone a little look inside of...
The 5 Types of Phone Cases and How to Choose the Right One
If you need to buy a new phone case, you may be wondering which style will work best for you. Click here to learn about the different types of phone...
Review: The best cases for iPhone X – Review and comparison of 10 cases
This is a great review of some of the best 10 iPhone X cases you'll see today! Two of our cases made the cut, and we couldn't be more proud! Our...